I’m writing tonight, with both of my kids tucked away in bed at 8.30pm, ready to start a new jewellery making project… except I’m still waiting for the materials I need to get started on a wire wrapping project to arrive. *Drums fingers impatiently*. I still have three more days to wait…
Occupying Myself While I Wait
In the meantime, I started to revamp my blog (perhaps you noticed some changes? Let me know what you think!). I also started to add to my social media presence. If you have some time, please do check out my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts… only don’t expect too much just yet! I discovered that trying to support a primary school aged child with home learning during this current Covid lockdown is difficult alongside reorganising your blog. Cue: lots of frustrated “wait a minutes!” from me. Nevertheless, I’m persevering and am hoping to make a few short videos for a YouTube channel (yes, this is me, embracing technology!)
Revising Old Projects
Whilst I figured out how to update the feel of my blog, I thought I’d have a look at some of my old projects. It amazes me now to think I ever had free time. I’m also bemused that I would just jump in and try stuff, without going to a class. In some cases, I wonder what was I thinking? For example, take a look at this attempt at soldering little silver domes to a piece of copper…

Disaster, right? Still determined to learn how to do this… perhaps a future post to share with you all!
But some things, just worked… Here’s one that I don’t think I ever shared this one on the blog before.

I made this ring when I found I was pregnant with my daughter. I was so excited to be expecting our first child and decided to mark the occasion with making a ring to give her when she turned 16. The stone is a black onyx oval cabochon; the ring is made from sterling silver wire, with a hammered pattern.
A Little Tangent…
I thought I’d share the story why I decided to make her a ring for her 16th birthday… I have a vivid memory of looking through my Mum’s jewellery box with her when I was small. She showed me lots of stunning pieces of jewellery. Some belong to her, others belonged to my Grandmother and Great-Grandmother. She finished with showing me four necklaces that she kept separately. She explained to me that there was one for each of me and my sisters, and that they were meant for our 16th birthdays.
I really liked that story, and so I thought I’d continue the tradition with my own children. But instead of buying her some jewellery, I made it for her! I love making things for my children… knitted jumpers, Halloween costumes, birthday cakes… you name it, I’ve probably tried making it. Jewellery just fits right in that ethos!
Anyway, in a moment of sentimentality, I showed the photo to her today and told her the story… her one comment was “It looks like it’s made from tin foil”… charming! Kids, eh?!