Having played about for a few weeks with experimenting in my lovely new workshop, I’ve discovered the existence of hallmarking! Quite honestly, as a newbie to jewellery making, I had no idea that silver (and gold) jewellery needs to be hallmarked as proof of quality of the metal. In the UK, items made of sterling …

New Jewellery Technique – 1st Attempt at Sterling Silver Etching
Today, I am trying a new jewellery technique and making my 1st attempt at sterling silver etching – I have some black stop-out polish and some ferric nitrate and plan to etch 2 rings today. Wish me luck! For the rings, I am using 4mm x 0.84mm sterling silver rectangular wire. I filed the ends …

The Beginning of a Love for Jewellery Making
My love for jewellery making started a couple of months ago when I attended a beginners’ silversmithing class at the London Jewellery School (http://www.LondonJewellerySchool.co.uk), based in Hatton Garden. This was a great, one day class, which introduced a lot of basic silversmithing skills and the beginning of a love for jewellery making. I attended the …